Before The Wind #1, 2019MoonstruckPlum Bay 2012Return to Jericho 2012Split Light (blue) 2014Lavendar Morning 2013SplashBy the JuniperApproaching TwilightPrelude to Light 2005Petra 2013Iron Night 2010Deception Pass 2010Inside PassageNocture 1Nocturne 2The ArrivalCherry Blossom TimeUntitled 2016Tangerine Sky 2011Stacked Moons 2011The Flats 2011Untitled 2013Coastal #3Coastal #4Coastal #13Circles at the LakeHour GlassPolar CrossingWinter WillowJakalaThicket of SunMoontailBlue VeilSandpiperFire and IceVaporRustleimg - 21Buffalo Summerimg - 18img - 19BoardwalkSplit Light (blue) 2014Thunder and Lightning 2003Reveal 2003Hollow Mountain 1997SnowboundDriftingStillwaterOars in the OceanEdge of the World 1997Full of Grace 1998NomadCommadoreRumble 2006First BlushHidden River 2011Encaustic on linen attached to wood panelsUntitled, 1988, Encaustic and lead on panelRolling Thunder, 1989 Encaustic on linen panels16 Squared, 1974
ResumeBetween Place and Time, Bellevue Arts Museum,VideoMutualArt Review of Between Place and TimeCatalog 2017 exhibition,Dale Lindman,Three DecadesCatalog 2012 exhibition "Between Places"Encaustic Arts Magazine, Spring Issue 2019Between Place and Time, Bellevue Arts Museum, VideBellevue College